Thanks Tim!

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Tim, I am struggling with the hype, so educate me. It goes fast, lots of jets do. Even more jets used to. Windows rattling from sonic booms was common in my early childhood. That's why they slowed them down flying across the US. OK, Boom is making it quieter for inside comfort. Their website uses lots of buzzwords that impress me as irrelevant. Not a word that I could find on engineering eliminating, a sonic boom. The question is has Boom solved and eliminated the sonic boom aspect?

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Somewhere I read there is a lot of research being done to reduce the intensity of sonic booms. It has a lot to do with aerodynamics of a jet while flying above Mach 1. For example, in the F-16 we could go supersonic above 30,000 feet anywhere, because the sonic shock wave would not reach the ground. The Boom airliner is half-a-decade away. The fun over the next year will be watching the test flights with the little jet.

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Way cool - Fanboy here, too!

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I love watching those videos!

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